• Share your story, promote your brand, protect your reputation.

  • Elevate your messaging to your customers, employees, board members, and other stakeholders.

  • Keep the content fresh with new ideas across all channels.

  • Connect with your online community through relevant, timely social media posts.

  • Create memorable events with your attendees’ experience at the forefront.

  • Capture the essence of your company’s story, from inception to today.


  • Company history in a published coffee table book.


    Understanding your company’s history, milestones, and the people who make it shine is where it all starts. At Hollis we’ll learn your unique story until we know it backwards and forwards so we’ll know how to spotlight it.

  • Holly McKissick outlines PR strategy for client.


    Present your brand with a clear, consistent voice across all channels. Leveraging social, digital, and traditional media, Hollis will develop a clear and targeted communications plan to reach your audience.

  • Video camera recording an interview.


    Put your best foot forward. At Hollis, we help you clarify your message, inject passion into your storytelling, and foster valuable relationships with the media and your followers. Build trust; strengthen loyalty; and protect your reputation.

  • Holly McKissick analyzing media performance from a PR campaign.


    Manage what you measure. Hollis will track your campaign’s progress, monitor public sentiment around your brand, and keep an eye on your competitors.

Stand out. Stand tall.

Stay relevant.